Two Things God Can’t Do – Part 2

03 Nov

Yesterday we spoke on the first thing God can’t do.  He can’t be evil and He doesn’t lie or change His mind once He promises it.  I suppose you could say that’s more than one thing but He can’t go against Himself brings those things together.

Today we are going to talk about the second thing God can’t do.

He can’t make you love Him. 

Wow.  Think about that.

Why were we created?  To worship, praise and have relationship with our loving Father.  To rule and reign under His power.  He didn’t want robots.  Would you want to marry a robot that had no decision to love you back? 


The thing that’s great about real love is when that person unconditionally loves you back.  We have a lot of pain because people choose to not love.  Every divorce that started out with two people loving each other, ended because at least one chose not to love back somewhere along the line.  Love is a choice.

God has given us that choice.  Many have chosen not to love Him.  Many have chosen to love themselves.  Many have chosen to not even take the time to seek Him.

No one will be able fast talk themselves past God when the time comes to stand in front of the Righteous Loving Judge of All.  That choice of love and talking needs happen before you take your last breath on this earth. 

God has given people the whole day to make choices.  God has given many people years to make choices.  God has given us a whole book called the Bible should we choose to read it.  In the Bible it warns us that there are good choices and bad choices.  The worst choice humans can make is to not accept His Sacrifice for the redemption of our sins.  That choice and it is ours to choose, will land you either with God in paradise or without God and in hell.  The next group of choices will either having you living for God so He reward you or living for yourself which will lead to no reward.

Looks like God is Pro Choice accept when it comes to killing His unborn children that He created.

Your choices affect your destiny.  Don’t take a chance for another minute.  Choose Jesus as Lord.  Choose to Love God.  Choose to seek Him.  Choose to read His Word.  If you want to make Him Lord I have made a page to run you through on how to do so.  It is in the right upper column of this blog.


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