Nothing x Nothing = Everything?

19 Apr

Ultimately that’s what Science without God ultimately wants you to believe.

It all started with a bunch of……”Stop Right There!”

There can’t be space, there can’t be dust, there can’t be anything, unless something or someone put it there in the first place.  Nothing, can’t lead by accident to EVERYTHING.

Now I want to talk about something you are interested in.  You.  Yes, you’re special.  You are wonderfully made.  Let’s check it out.

You have eyes.  These are eyes that are slippery, flexible, attached to a bunch of nerves, and sit right in a socket.  Wow.  What are the odds.  Not a bad setup considering it came from a slimy pool that was hit by lightning.  Wait, where did the pool…lightning……anything come from?  The eye takes images and forms them into your brain.  Yep, let’s go there next.

You have a brain.  A grey, lumpy piece of matter that runs the show.  We’ve all seen a brain, it looks like a mess.  Without it you need machines to run the show or the body quits.  But it doesn’t just figure out equations or remind me that I’m hungry and thirsty, it also processes emotions.  Pretty sophisticated piece of ooze.

The heart, it’s quite a battery pack.  It pumps all the blood to the parts of the body.  Once blood doesn’t get to that part of the body it dies.  Once it stops pumping, the brain stops working, and when the brain stops working……. well lets finish with that. 

First let’s do a little scientific experiment on our own.  Some of you have heard a form of this example and I think it is a good one.

Let’s say you have a nice old fashioned pocket watch.  We strip that watch down to every piece and we put it into a strong brown paper bag.  How long do you have to shake that bag until all the parts come back together and form that watch.  One million shakes, Two million, Ten million? 

There’s a problem isn’t there.  Without someone taking the little pieces, with the little watch tools, it isn’t going to form together.  The bag and the watch parts eventually will become dust. 

Another example is a 747 airplane.  Let’s take it apart and put it in a junkyard.  Then let’s have a tornado come through as many times as it’s needed until the plane is up and functional again.  Are we getting ready to fly?  I don’t think so.

Now we started with actual pieces in these examples.  Supposedly by certain scientists, it starts with dust and electrical storms.  Once again, that is still something.  So how does a watch, computer, airplane come into existence?  

It starts with a creator.

You are wonderfully made.  You are no accident.  You have a wonderful Creator that made you.

At one time humans were perfect, until the devil came along and spoiled the party in the garden.  That’s why we now can die, can hate, do evil even if we don’t really want to.  But there is hope.  There is hope because the God that wonderfully made you devised a plan for you to live even after we die.  I have pages at the top right column of the blog.  I ask that you take some time and please read them as I did my best to outline the Bible on why we need a Savior and how to accept the Lord if you haven’t.

Which brings us back, to the eyes no longer functioning, the brain stops working, and the heart stops beating.  What now? 

Important question to try and answer in one lifetime, don’t you think?


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