We Have All Heard The Saying, What Would Jesus Do?

28 Dec

WWJD?  Stands for What Would Jesus Do?  Not too many haven’t heard of this by now.

But I want to expound a little on this, because I think some people look at it and dismiss it easily for one reason.  They say to themselves, ”Wow, Jesus was perfect and the Son of God!  So whatever he did is unattainable by me and if I fall short of that, so be it.”

Fair enough.  Actually that is a true statement.  We can’t be perfect no matter how hard we try.  But we do need to do our best to be Jesus with skin on and try to do the best we can in following the Lord.

So I’m going to not ask you what would Jesus do?  I’m going to ask you to be honest with yourself and to ask yourself, “What does Jesus want me to do?”

Did He give me life to be anything I want to be?  Did He make me to do anything I want to do?

Why did He make man? 

It’s when we can answer this question, that we realize what we are supposed to be doing.  We are made to worship and have relationship with the Lord.

Now let’s get back to that question.  What does Jesus want me to do?  How about first and foremost seek Him and God.  That’s the first and most important thing we can do.

Matthew 6:33 – 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

When you get “you” out of the way, it’s amazing what He can do in your life.  We are all created by the incredible glorious God, who created the whole universe.  Same Individual that created the Milky Way, created you.  I think He knows what’s best for us than we do. 

So is this earth a proving ground?  Well in one respect out of many it sure reads that way.  You’re not just showing the Lord that you love Him while being here, but rather or not you trust Him, seek Him, worship Him, try to bring others to Him, or that possibly you have no time for Him at all?

Of course I’m not referring to salvation in that paragraph, but everything else beyond that.  You’re saved by the Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.   To accept His death in the place of yours, we are to make Him Lord and Savior.

So what does Jesus want you to do?  Won’t you be happier when it’s time to stand before Him, if you at least attempt to do those things? 

Today is a new day.  Today is the day we all try to seek and serve Him more.


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