Would Hitler Be Happy In Heaven?

11 Apr

Many people believe everyone would be happy in Heaven.  How could anyone who was such a murderer and of God’s chosen people at that, who exalted himself and craved the power ever be happy in Heaven?

We take for granted that everyone would be happy in Heaven. 

Hell has been created for God’s creatures that have rejected Him.  That’s why hell was even created.

Anyone who only wants to serve themselves and not God will not be happy in Heaven.  If I went to a place where they only had opera all day, I would not be happy.  If I went to a place where I had to witness people being severely whipped for no reason, I would not be happy.  If I had to go and watch a horror movie marathon, I would not be happy.

Heaven is for those who love the Lord.  Anyone who is curious at all and wants to seek truth will find Him.  Why wouldn’t someone seek God?  Cause they’re busy.

Busy doing what?  Living for themselves and not seeking the Creator at all.  If you’re not seeking the Creator, you either believe the lie that there is no God, or you don’t care to take the time to seek Him. 

There is no excuse come judgment or accounting time.

As humans are we arrogant?  Oh yeah, we’re arrogant.  We know what’s right, just ask us.  Because the only thing that matters to most people is if it’s right for us.

What we should be concerned about is if it’s right in God’s eyes.  How does the King feel about it?

The truth is people not seeking God or wanting God, will not be happy in a place where God is the center.  Will they enjoy hell?

Revelation 20:10 – 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

No parties according to that verse.  No it’s a place of torment.  Would it be heaven for everyone who thirsts for righteousness and love if the unrepentant Hitler types of history we’re in there?  Not that I could imagine.

God can’t make people love Him.  God can’t make people serve Him.  We make that choice or not.

Heaven however, is for those who love the Lord.


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