Psalm 113 – Part 3

29 Jun

All week long we are concentrating on praising the Lord.  The more we concentrate the more habit forming it becomes.  Isn’t it that way with all of our habits?  We are creatures of habit and change is difficult.

My wife married a pretty spoiled boy who had a mother who did almost all the chores around him.  Those habits are definitely ones you don’t break overnight.  Most bad habits come pretty easy.

We need to start good habits.  If you’re not praying before meals, then start making a new habit.  If you’re not praying before going to bed at night, make it a point to every night.  Pretty soon you’re doing it all day long in little spurts. 

Those become times of PRAISE.

Psalm 113:4-6 –  4 The LORD is exalted over all the nations,
   his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like the LORD our God,
   the One who sits enthroned on high,
6 who stoops down to look
   on the heavens and the earth?

Who is like our God? 

No one!

He is the Creator of everything.  That doesn’t just include things or creatures, but emotions, all the rules of law (scientific, justice, etc.) everything and its function.

That’s beyond understanding, but still awe inspiring.

God looks down at the Heavens and Earth.  He made it all.

Yet most people have no time for Him in this country.

That’s a spiritual problem.  One we need to break.  In ourselves and the best we can for those around us.

Praise the Lord!   

It never goes unnoticed.  I believe there is a record of everything and these will be the records you will be the most happy to see.


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