So Why Does Someone Stop Believing In Santa?

23 Dec

Almost all kids grow up hearing about Santa Claus and believing he’s real.  I was one of those.

So why does someone on a serious note stop believing?

They look at the facts, right?

Things just don’t add up.  You start asking questions like “Hey wait a minute, I don’t have a chimney?”

However someone while you’re young and naïve is always there to try and explain it away for you.  Oh he just goes through the door if you don’t or something like that.  Thank goodness that person was there to continue the lie.

Then you think to yourself, “How does he get around the whole world in one night?  I mean that’s a lot of houses.”  Once again someone tries to rescue you from trying to foil the caper.

Flying reindeer?  How do all the presents get in the slay?  How come I just saw Santa and is looked different down at that other store?

Finally too many stinking questions.  Fine!  He’s not real, but doesn’t believing in him make the world a better place?  In all honesty my wife and I chose not to persuade our children that the untruths were truths all in the name of what was best for them.

Back to the point.

This is how it is in America anymore except people don’t ask questions about anything.  They don’t ask questions about why other people believe the way they do.  They don’t even ask questions on why they believe the way they do.

This is where Truth comes into play.

Evolution?  You can look at it closely and it won’t take you long to figure out who has blind faith.  Not to mention it’s not hard to do the math that nothing from nothing times nothing doesn’t equal everything.  It doesn’t take very long to see how complex a simple a watch is and know that without a creator it isn’t made.  We as humans are much more complex than that by a million times and without the Creator we don’t exist.

Questions!  We don’t ask questions anymore.

Same goes for believers.  Why do you believe in what you believe?  To say that I just believe and go by faith or that burning in your bosom is acceptable for a few months.  However, you best start knowing why you believe what you believe soon, or someone is going to come along and give you a different type of Santa Claus.

Seek the Lord!  Ask questions!  We are very fortunate enough in this day and age that most sincere questions can be answered by men of God who also sought the Truth.

You stopped believing in Santa because the truth was evident and it wasn’t that hard to figure out.

Other things take more investigation and all you need have to do is seek the Truth and He will guide you to it.

On the other hand, if you choose to believe in whatever you want to, God won’t intervene.  That is until it’s the day of truth, which is the day of judgment.


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  1. Stuart O'Byrne

    December 23, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    Yes seek the truth and the truth will make you free.
    Merry christmas Pat.

  2. Ariel

    December 31, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    “We don’t ask questions anymore.” That’s an interesting, as well very sad reality about this day and age we live. Good thoughts PB!