Mighty, Strong, Loving, And Just

28 Mar

Psalm 62:11-12 – 11 One thing God has spoken,
two things have I heard:
that you, O God, are strong,
12 and that you, O Lord, are loving. Surely you will reward each person
according to what he has done.

He is all those things.  I know I see God loving and he shows strength in His patience.  To see people blatantly thumb their noses at our mighty God and He continues to allow them to go about their business for now.  Slow to anger and abounding in love.  However, there is coming a time soon that those who don’t want God or anything to do with him will find themselves on the wrong side of the fence.  Their choice.

Our God is loving!  He wants you to have a loving relationship with Him.  You’re not a windup toy that He sets in motion and then forgets about you and runs off somewhere else because you bore Him.  He also didn’t make us to be independent from Him.  That’s the devils doing.  He wanted to do things his own way.  That philosophy comes from Satan, not God.

Strengthen your relationship with your Mighty, Strong, Just, and Loving God.  Seek Him and His Word.


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