God Is Our Help

16 Jul

Psalm 54:4 – Surely God is my help;
    the Lord is the one who sustains me.

One of the biggest mistakes I made growing up and that I still see people doing is trying to run their own lives.  The only time they turn to the Lord is when they have gotten themselves in a bind or tragedy happens.  As soon as it passes its back to see you someday soon again if I need you Lord.  I’ve got it from here, thanks. 

Life was never supposed to be about us functioning away from the Lord.  He doesn’t want robots, but He does want a freewill being living amongst Him and for Him. 

The question we all hear or get from unbelievers is, “If there is a God, why do bad things happen to good people?” 

Two of the biggest reasons are, one we are in the middle of a battle of God and those who wish to rebel with Satan.  The second is answered above.  When is the only time many people seek God?  When they are broken or at wits end.

That may seem bad on the surface to someone who wants to be a hundred percent in charge of their own life with no interference from God.  But God knows that if you don’t seek Him and ask for repentance then Hell and eternal separation lies ahead.  When you look at it from that perspective, getting to your wits end and seeking God and ultimately finding Him under any circumstance is pretty loving.  Just being allowed to walk off the cliff into a hellish eternity with no chances to repent or being reminded wouldn’t seem as caring.

The Lord is our help.  He is our Hope.  He is our lifeline.  Don’t try to live a day without Him.


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  1. Ronda Heston

    July 16, 2012 at 9:13 am


  2. Ron

    July 17, 2012 at 7:26 am

    On the point that unbelievers ask, “why do bad things happen to good people,” it only takes a short read of scripture to start to understand the real question is, “Why do good things happen to any of us?” We are not deserving, but God’s love for us is so great he sent his Son to pay our penalty for sin. If we could somehow grasp just a little understanding of His love we wouldn’t try to live our lives seperate or trying to be in charge. Read the book. The answers to life’s questions and toughest issues are included.