We Need To Remember We Are A New Creation

14 Sep

2 Corinthians 5:17 – 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Probably a top fifty popular scripture and with good reason.  It reminds us that even though He accepts us where we are at when we ask Him in, a change still has been made.  We are new creation because of Him.  Our walk should be slow steady growth as we start our new life we have been given.

It doesn’t mean stagnation doesn’t creep in.  Almost all of us allow that and it’s usually taking one’s eye off the prize that does it.  We need to stay focused on the prize and what’s eternally important.  We we’re made to glorify God.  For some reason people think that if you’re doing that instead of glorifying yourself you can’t enjoy life at all.  That’s a lie that comes from the enemy the devil.  You can glorify God and really enjoy life.  It’s how we are supposed to act and the fall affected that.


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