I Will Test Them

07 Feb

Exodus 16:4-5 – 4 Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. 5 On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days.”

Our lives are documented.  We have tests every day that don’t go unnoticed.  If we take that seriously then it will probably begin to show up in our routines.

If we talk about how important the Lord is and then put effort into many other things first, how important is the Lord to us?

Our hearts is where we put our efforts and time.  Do we have to go to worship services?  No.  We don’t have to do anything.  But it does tell the story still of what’s important to you.  Do you think it matters to God if you make it a point to make time in your schedule and worship Him?

What should be important to us?  Whatever is important to the Lord should be important to us.  Is loving and taking care of your family important to Him?  Yes.  Is loving others, especially in His name important to Him?  Yes.  Is being happy important to Him?  Yes.  Does he want you to have a good time and be happy?  Yes.  However, within the confines of what’s right and not wrong and sinful.

We have a hurting world around us.  America has never been so broken and on a one way ticket to bondage.  That’s what all this sinful freedom and worldly thinking is bringing on America.  Bondage.

God isn’t a party pooper.  He knows how we are made.  He knows what is destructive and what works.  We are in a world that tests are around us every day.  Yet those who test all the time for the betterment of their own selfish worldly goals, don’t want to think that there could be actual test of our lives.

We will all give an account for the good and bad we have accomplished.  Does that determine salvation?  Not at all.  That was the work of our loving Lord on the cross and our decision to make him our Lord.

He wants to reward you, not to have you get by smelling like smoke or by the skin of your teeth.  He wants you to succeed in your obedience to Him.  Run the race, for Him.  Too many are running it for themselves, because grace is all the farther they look.


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