God Sets His Face Against Those Who Follow Mediums And Spiritists

10 Mar

Leviticus 20:6 – 6 “‘I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

It’s amazing the farther America gets away from God and the Bible where they turn to.  It’s back to the same old song and dance, nothing new.  So where has people’s freedom from God led them?  Back into seeking psychics, mediums, etc.  They pay big money to inquire about the future.  They are fascinated by it.

One observation I have made, is that the same people are never excited about God’s truth.  It’s spirit thing.  Loving truth means that you won’t always like what it reveals.

Who are the mediums and spiritist communicating with?  God’s enemies.  The problem is people are ignoring God and listening to His enemies.

I’ve said it many times.  We don’t want to be an enemy of God in any way shape or form.  Seek His truth.  There are so many out there teaching doctrines from seducing spirits that are not truth.  How do we know?  Because it contradicts the Bible and His Word.


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