How Quickly Can Humans Forget? –Part 3

31 May

We’ve been in the story of the Exodus and the focus is on how quickly man can forget the awesome Hand and works of God.

The Israelites were at the Red Sea and complaining to Moses.  As we know God parts the Red Sea in another awesome miracle.  The Israelites cross over and do a dance and sing songs for the Lord.

Immediately they have no water in the desert and they come up to Marah.  The water was bitter.  It doesn’t indicate that people asked Moses to ask God to make it drinkable.  It says they grumbled against Moses.  Once again, Moses went to God and God had him throw in a piece of wood and they could drink of it.

Not even few small paragraphs later we have them complaining of …… Food.

Then God rains down Manna.  Do they obey God concerning  Manna?  Of course not.  Don’t get me wrong, many of them did.  The others, well they were going to try and store some the next day and it was rotting, just like God said.  Others went out to find some on the Sabbath and there was none, just like God said.

We look at the Israelites and we think,” Are you blind?  Do you not hear and see the Hand of the Lord?”

Trust me on this one.  Nothing has changed.  The time period changes, but humans don’t change.  When they are trusting God and following Him and his Word, they are blessed.  When they are not, destruction comes.

God does get tired of man not obeying Him.  Plagues were set off on the Israelites who continued to grumble.  Plagues were set off on those who chose the idol over the Ten Commandments.  The whole assembly that came out of Egypt, besides Joshua and Caleb, died in the desert.  They were not allowed to enter the Promised Land.  Why, because they wouldn’t listen to God.

The next generation listened to God and they began their conquest of the Promised Land.  Who were they conquering?  Nations that were evil in God’s eyes and that weren’t obeying Him.

How quickly can humans forget?                                     

We were once a great nation.  Why?  This nation served God and overall was an ally of Israel.  Not always strong and shame on us when we weren’t, but guilty enough that their neighbors aren’t fans of ours.

Now this nation worships money.  It’s over $12 Trillion down and that’s the conservative estimate.  It has been fighting since 1962 to throw God out of everything. 

Make sense?  Actually, when one gets to know the Word of God and the sinful fall of man, it does. 

Study God’s Word nonstop.  The only sanity, in an insane and out of control world, is God and His Word.


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