You Don’t Have To Have Blind Faith

21 Apr

I have heard it said that we just have to believe in God or Jesus.  That’s all we need to do.

That on its own doesn’t fair well.  I’m not sure when it was being said that the people meant it to come out that way.

You see the Devil believes in God.  He isn’t saved by this belief.  The Devil believes in Jesus.  He isn’t saved by this belief either. 

So if you are one of those people who believe God exists, that’s an encouraging step.  However, until you accept Jesus as Lord and accept His sacrifice to cover your sins, you are a still not redeemed.

One of my favorite analogies is the guy handing out one hundred dollar bills.  You can look at him, watch him offer them to you, but until you accept them, they’re not yours. 

It’s free.  It’s what your loving Creator wants. 

Revelation 3:20 –   20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

He’s waiting.  Here I am!  We have loving Savior that not only died for us, but is also persistent in reaching us.  If you haven’t accepted the Lord I have written some pages in the upper right column of this website. 

Now after I wrote that, I realized that I wandered from my main idea of this post.  When I looked back on it though, I really didn’t want to get rid of it because it still connected to the first four or five sentences.  So now back to my original thought.

We don’t have to have blind faith.  There are more resources at our fingertips than ever before.  I can tell you that like 95% of Christians, I accepted him as Lord and Savior before knowing hardly anything. 

That’s great!  I still encourage your walk to start there.  But once you do, GROW. 

How do I GROW?  By reading the Bible.  By studying the different categories offered to you.  You have specialists in Apologetics.  You have Specialist in Bible Prophecy.  You have great ministers on television who have great messages such as David Jeremiah.  GROW.

Your growth starts with the Word of God.  Once you know it, you will know if what others are teaching is truth.

You don’t have to have blind faith.  Many of those who didn’t grow in their faith have become the victims in the first three groups in the Parable of the Sower.

If you yourself want to reach others, blind faith and holes in your reasoning will not be very convincing.  Strengthen yourself to become a warrior in the Army of God!


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