Prayer Kicked Out Of School In America – June 25, 1962 – Part 2

24 Jun

Today I will finish up the post I started yesterday.  Mainly because I had an idea where I was going with it when it started and by the time I was done, God wanted me to remind everyone that Heaven wasn’t a democracy.

Man just has a spirit that he won’t be told what to do.  It’s a rebellious spirit and came at the time of the fall.  Armies that are full of men that won’t be told what to do, become defeated quickly.  Nations that don’t believe in authority fall to anarchy and soon the strong will dictate it with a brutal dictatorship.

Why has America thrived in the past?  Why did England thrive in the past?

In both cases it appears that when the recognized God and Jesus as the head authority, they prospered.  When England began to lose this and turned its back on the Jews it was reduced to what it is today.  America is in the same boat.  When God was at the head it was thriving.  Now that it has kicked God to the side, it has become a proud, broke, debtor nation.  Now turning its back on Israel, it will be brought to its knees.

The problem is that crime has gone up, violence has gone up, trust has gone down, morality has gone down. 

God was taken out of public school starting 48 years ago.  You can add another 5 years for those who were too young to be in school and you’re up to everyone 53 years and younger has never been subject to God unless they got it from home.

You can probably add another 5 years, as those first years of development are important, but the learning really starts later.  So about 58 years and older really didn’t get a dose of God unless it was from home.

Doesn’t this age group on down pretty much run almost everything right now?

Sadly enough it’s not going to stop where it’s at.  Without God’s blessing this country will continue to fall further into chaos, more debt, and while it’s busy trying to fight Christianity, another influence will come in and devour it.

So what’s the good news?  The Good News is Jesus Christ!

Acts 5:42 – 42Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.

Heaven is not a democracy.  Heaven is a Theocracy.  It is run by a loving God of absolutes.  Everyone is invited to enter, as long as you acknowledge the pardon granted by the King and serve Him.

The proud, the stubborn, the selfish, the evil, will not be part of that Kingdom.

Choose the King.  He made you.  He loves you.  He has forgiven you.  There is just one more step to starting your journey back to the Kingdom.  If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I invite you to do so now.  I have put a page on the upper right hand side of the column that will walk you through.


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