Reflection- Just Thought I Would Share

26 Jun

One thing I thought I would share is sometimes when I set out to do a post, two or three come out of it.

I’ll sit down to write something and think to myself, wow, God is really giving me some good stuff, but it has nothing to do with what my title is.  So I’ll continue to write what He puts on my heart and then give it a new title.  Then it’s back to the post that I originally planned to do. 

I really try to keep on task because it’s really easy to wander off into different directions.  The nice thing about blogging is I can grab that information and move it to a different page and call it a new post.

I hear my pastor say he planned one thing and God gave him another so I would imagine it happens quite often.

Well a lot of babbling about nothing, but hey, why not for a Saturday reflection.


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