Absolutes Are Fine In Everything But Faith?

02 Feb

I was listening to Dave Hunt the other day.  He was speaking on how ridiculous it is that we have absolutes and rules all around us that need to be followed or chaos erupts.  Still there are people everywhere who want to believe when it comes to God, there are no absolutes, no expectations from God, no rules, it’s just a free for all on whatever you want to think and that leads to Heaven along with every other approach.

It was one of those things where your listening and thinking, wow, isn’t that the truth.  Man has the audacity to say that everyone needs to be tolerant of everybody’s viewpoint; after all we all serve the same God.  The Hindus serve 300 million Gods, none of which are mine or they wouldn’t be Hindu.  The witch doctor doesn’t serve my God.  The New Ager that thinks he’s god, doesn’t serve my God.  How can anyone think that all roads lead to Rome?

When a baseball game is being played, it has rules.  If you don’t follow the rules, you have chaos.  So in as something as simple as a baseball game if you don’t abide by some absolutes, the situation breaks down, but in Faith we don’t need any absolutes?

My God tells me I am a sinner.  I can look at myself on how I think and do things and tell you that.  I can look at other people and tell you there is something drastically wrong with the human race.  With that information I now need a faith that at least explains this.  I know I desire love.  I know love is one of the most wonderful things in life when it’s real.  

It is said that Allah has 99 characteristics and not one is love.  The God in the Bible is love.

1 John 4:8 – 8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.  KJV

It can’t be the same God.  The Koran states to kill the infidel.  Kill the Jew and the Christian if they won’t submit to Islam.  Does this sound like the same God?  So how can all roads be the same or lead to Heaven? 

Jesus says He is the only way. 

John 14:6 – 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

People just can’t come to grips that a majority of people could end up choosing hell.

Matthew 7:13- 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 

It’s easier to sit back and think, whatever anyone wants to think will just be fine for God.  ????  Does that make any sense even in the world we live in today?

Today if you decide that I don’t want to obey the law or I don’t want to pay my bills, will nothing happen?  Do you think people will sit back and say, well you can believe however you want and it’s just fine, I’ll role with that?   Do you think you can take a test and answer anyway you want and the answer will be fine and you will score an A?  Of course not!  Yet when it comes to however you want to view God, you’re right.  Absolutely ridiculous! 

To study all religions out there is not a hard task.  If someone seeks truth, they will find the one true God.  The other false religions expose themselves quickly.  That’s why I know that we will all be held accountable, because if we seek for truth or the true God at all, instead of our own desires, we will find Him.  We are built that way.


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