The Passover Lamb

22 Apr

Yes it is that time of the year.  It is almost Resurrection Day.  The church has named it Easter, but the total significance of it was that God sent His one and only Son (one and only) to die for our transgressions once and for all.

Back in Exodus the Jewish people were told by the Lord to slay the lamb and paint the doorpost with its blood.  When they angel of death came looking to take the first born, death passed over that household.  They were covered by the blood.

However, like many things, it was symbolic of the ultimate Passover Lamb that was to come.

Luke 22:15 – 15 And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.

The Jews were getting ready to celebrate the ceremonial feast soon, but this particular year, the true Lamb, whose blood is sufficient to cover all that have sinned, was preparing Himself.

John 1:29 – 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

God was preparing the way for salvation from the very beginning.  Only the blood of God could wash away the sins of the world.

That’s the reason Jesus is the only way to the Father.  The blood is the only thing powerful enough to wash away our sins.  It’s not our good intention or good works.

Good intention or good works are as effective of washing away our sins as using dirt to clean a white tee-shirt that is covered in dried tar.

The reason man gets upset about the idea of there being only one way, God’s way, is because man has to have it his way.  Just more rebellion in another area.

Take this weekend and really focus on the great gift that was given about 1980 years ago.  There is no way to know all that our Lord had to go through on our behalf, but we know that it was the most loving thing He could do.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus as Savior and King, I have put a page over to the right column that will help you do so now.

Thank you Jesus and thank you God!  Thank you Holy Spirit for always being there.


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