Live A Holy Life

01 Jun

1 Thessalonians 4:7 – 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.

Once we accepted Christ as Savior, we have been called.

The Lord has shared the Holy Spirit with us, but the Holy Spirit isn’t comfortable in living in a corrupt house.

We are called to live a holy life.  What does that mean?

The problem is we know deep down what that means.  It means not living in sin.  It means not living like the world lives.  It means dying to our own selfish wants and living for the Creator who loves us and died for us.

The Bible is full of reminders of how to live holy.  Funny that when were not living right, we don’t seem to have time to crack it open.

When someone cleans up their house they do it one room at a time, one job at a time.  However, if you never make an effort to clean it up, you have a disaster.

Grace is what saves and without we are lost in our sins.  It is not by works.  However, too many of us sin and use grace as a tool to keep on doing what were not supposed to be doing.

We’re called to do our best to live a holy life for the Lord.  He knows if we are trying or not.


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