A Seed Needs To Die To Produce More Seed

11 Jul

John 12:24-25 – 24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

If missionaries only cared about their lives and what they were going to do for themselves, people wouldn’t be finding out about Jesus.  Had the prophets, disciples, and Paul not answer the call, people wouldn’t have had the truth in the form of God’s Word today and the truth revealed.  These people and millions more have died to their own lives and as a result we have all had a chance to find the Lord and the truth.

Are some called and others not?


We are all called.  We are all going to be held accountable on what we have or haven’t done.

Do we all have the same talents or are we suppose to use the same gifts?  Not at all.  You were uniquely and wonderfully made.  You have talents.  God wants you to use that talent for the kingdom.  The devil wants you not to use your talent on the Kingdom or for God, but for you to use it on yourself.

Die to yourself and produce a crop.  Ask and seek the Holy Spirit in what you are supposed to do today for the Kingdom of God.  Today is a new day.  If you earnestly and honestly seek the Lord, fruit will come forth.  Even when Paul went the opposite direction the Holy Spirit was sending him at times, the Lord still used his walk at those times because he was in the Word and seeking Truth.


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