It Matters To God

22 Apr

Many of my friends around the office get this one from me in different forms, but it’s a fact.

It matters.  It matters to God!

What matters?  Everything Matters! 

Are you saying that if I decide to watch a baseball game or if I want to go shopping it matters?  Yes.  It matters.  If your watching baseball everyday and giving no time to your family and especially no time to God and Jesus.  It matters!  If you’re out spending money you don’t have, if it takes your time away from your family all the time, or your spending your tithe on shopping.  It matters!

Now on the flip side.  If you like to shop and you’re being responsible, it just happens to be what you like to do in your special down time, you’re being a good steward of what God has entrusted you with.  It matters.  God wants you to enjoy yourself.  Same with sports.  As long as it doesn’t become you’re God and take your time away from him or your responsiblities, it matters.

God made you to have relationship and worship him.  He also made you to enjoy activities.  He made you to enjoy fellowship with each other.  The fact you like to golf, horses, or something else doesn’t mean it comes from the devil.  He made you to enjoy those things.  However, when they become your number one or first love, it matters.

God allows you to think on your own.  We want our children to think on their own.  What happens when they think on their own and it isn’t good thinking.  Well one example could be this.

Don’t fill up the bathtub full of water and jump in it with an electrical appliance plugged in.
Why?  It’s just a matter of choice, isn’t it?  We all do things differently, right?
Wrong!  We don’t want them to do this obviously because it will kill them.

God is warning us throughout his Word that we can’t do certain things or they are either going to physically kill us, like many of the scriptures in the Old Testament he gave to the Jews.  He has given us many times more of those things that will keep us from dying spiritually.  He doesn’t want us to die spiritually.  It matters!

It mattered enough, that after Adam and Eve decided to turn away from Him, He chose to have His Son come down and die in our place.

He didn’t have to do that.  But, YOU matter!  And what you do matters.

The next time you choose to lie to someone, it matters.  The next time you help someone, it matters.  The next time you tell someone about Jesus, who He is, and what He has done for all of us, it really matters.

If you choose not to accept the Lord before you die, I’m afraid it’s going to be the only thing that matters.  Don’t miss the most important decision you need to make in your life. 

If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Savior, please do so now.  If you are wondering why I need a Savior, I have wrote an outline the best I could and condensed it  down for you.  You need another reason?  You’re not in control of your life on earth.  Someone can drive over the center line and in one second your dead.  Someone can be walking down the street and bang, your dead. 

If you want to say a prayer and accept the Lord, I have put a page in the right hand upper column to help you start a new relationship with your Loving Creator.


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