America Likes Tailor Made Religion

07 Oct

With American’s exercising their freedom what else would one expect?

Today’s post is a link to the USA Today’s article on this very thing.

The problem is people don’t know the Bible.

Have you ever heard a song you really like the first time?  You really liked it, but one time through and
you may know the chorus, but nothing else.  So you sit around at it plays in your head.  You just go with it because you don’t know the words.  Pretty soon you just make up your own.

Many Pastor’s today have led a congregation to just repent.  Don’t worry about anything else.  So the congregation as a whole doesn’t.

It’s when one reads the Bible that we know that kind of Christianity isn’t good.  In fact we know it’s downright dangerous.  I’ve written on Truth for the last three days.  Do you think the God of Truth cares rather people are making up their own religion or Christianity?  The Bible indicates that He does care.

Here is the article.  Just click here. 



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