Galatians 4:8

06 Nov

Galatians 4:8 – 8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods.

A slave to those who are not God?  When mankind fell we inherited a sinful gene.  However, like this verse indicates those who are not serving God are still listening to someone.  There is a spiritual realm all around us and influences are coming from those who left with Satan in the rebellion.

It’s not by chance that the secular world is just by accident leading us to a one world order.  They don’t believe they are doing it so the devil may have his day to control everyone.  They think with all
the nukes and biological warfare we will destroy ourselves unless we all come together.  However, it makes no difference as they are listening to the voices that are contrary to God.

Protect yourself from ungodly demonic ideas.  Get into God’s Word and pray that He leads you into the right direction.


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