We Are Nothing Without God

08 Nov

2 Corinthians 3:5 –5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

Without God we are a fallen mess.  We are nothing without God.

We turned our backs and He still supplied a way back by shedding His own blood.

We are nothing without God.

So how do we believe that we are really something?  By the father of lies telling us to be bold, be proud, you’re amazing at what you accomplish on your own.  The sad part of it is, he doesn’t care about you.  He wants you to care about mainly yourself because all he cares about is himself.

Remember one thing.  Christ didn’t come to live for His life on this earth.  He came to do the will of His Father.  He came to die for a sinful rebellious group.

So why do we live so hard for ourselves in this life and consider it Christ-like at all?  It comes from listening to that voice and that voice isn’t matching up with the ever living Word of God.

We are NOTHING without God.  Don’t try to live outside of Him.  It’s like walking outside the security fence amongst a bunch of pit bulls.  They’re going to tear you up if you hang out in their territory and away from your protection.


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