Two Current Prophecies Strengthening This Year – Part 1

12 Dec

I am going to go over two prophecies that have been forming in front of our eyes this year.  Many end times prophecies are strengthening as we move towards the second coming, but two of them this year have been moving rather quickly and are no small feats.

The first one we’ll hit on is the Arab Spring.  We’ve seen Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya all come out from dictatorships.  The West and America championed these advancements.

In no way do I condone the atrocities’ that those dictators put on their people, but let’s take note on where the countries leadership is heading today.  The Muslim Brotherhood has a heavy influence in these countries.  Before the dictators were exactly that, dictators.  Their agenda was their own, which means don’t
rock the boat, hang low and you’ll be off their radar.   That means if Christian’s we’re hanging low and not irritating the King, no problem.  Same went for other groups.

That’s gone now.  Islam in the name of Allah and the Koran are supposed to conquer.  If those who are not Muslim do not conform, they are persuaded to change their faith up to the point of death.  Before, the dictators did not like that dissention.  They wanted order in their own way.  So to say the Arab Spring has
not been good for non-Muslims, is to make an understatement.

Does the news media talk about the Christian persecution?  Not very often at all.

Why?  One answer is; a blinded news media towards God is going to error on the side of those trying to kill His bride and His chosen people.

Tomorrow we’ll continue on the Arab Spring plays into Bible Prophecy.


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