Two Current Prophecies Strengthening This Year – Part 3

14 Dec

The last couple of days I have be talking on how the Arab Spring is strengthening the prophecy of the Gog and Magog War in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39.

Today I will be talking on how a world dictatorship and one world order functions much better under socialism than democracy.

The news media realized just how influential and ripe the listening public is right now by seeing the reaction to the Arab Spring.

Enter “Occupy Wall Street.”

Who comes up with these names?

It’s another term for Hate Capitalism, but that doesn’t sound as catchy or as good when trying to influence the masses.

Have you wondered why the news media would take the tea party and try to smear them as being unruly hate mongers?  They are the picture of true protesters.  Hold their signs nicely and clean up the place after they leave.  The problem is they are trying to get their old democracy back and the government and news media have been working very hard to get us where we are at.

Where is that?  They have been working hard to bring us down as softly as they can into socialism.  They don’t want anarchy in the world’s strongest nation, just for it to equal out with the others.  Anarchy is the exact opposite of what they want.  They want to bring the whole world together under one rule.

Getting us to national healthcare is not about healthcare as much as it is being the most important issue when getting a nation to be socialized.

The reason for world Socialism is so we don’t blow each other up, overpopulate, treat each other poorly, etc.  The powers at the top in government feel that they should lead this measure for the world’s own good.

Where does this spirit of a one world order come from?

Tomorrow we will continue on with this.


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