Our Competence Is Through God

13 Feb

2 Corinthians 3:4-5 – 4 Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. 5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

So many people feel like the Lord is speaking to them.  However, if the voice is contradicting the Word of God, it’s the wrong voice.  These people many times are genuine.  If I sat here and tried to run you nuclear fusion, it would just be a bunch of hooey that sounded good to me.  I know nothing about nuclear fusion.

Why do I feel confident about writing on God?  Because we have His Word to study and share.  Our competence comes from God Himself.

What’s really sad about today’s world we live in, we’re all taught that our own opinion is correct.  It’s our right to have one and no one should have the audacity to say it’s wrong.

We are allowed to have our own opinion, that much is true.  However, if your opinion is 2 + 2 = 5, your opinion is wrong.  You can still have it and no one can change it if you don’t want to, but it’s wrong.  Many people today are trying to teach it doesn’t matter what 2+2 equals, it’s irrelevant.

Why does 2 +2 = 4?  Because God does have absolutes.  Competence comes from God.  Without God we are all incompetent.  So much so, that if He didn’t come back and die for our penalty, we were all on our way to hell.  Follow the Competent One.  Live for Him.  He is the maker of the rules to follow.  The Lord is our guide and He mapped it out already in His Word.


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