If You Were Doing Something Wrong, Would You Want To Know?

12 Apr

How do you think most people in America would answer that question?  Let’s look at that before we actually even tackle that question on ourselves.

We live in a time that everyone is supposed to respect everyone else’s beliefs.  We are to take the position that there is no right and no wrong, just different feelings about different issues.

Over time that gets people into believing that their thinking isn’t wrong it’s just theirs.

Is that correct?  Is that realistic?

There are many issues that one tends to think about and there is usually a right and a wrong.  In using mathematics there is a right answer and a lot of wrong answers.  So what makes something right and wrong outside of that?

The rule book does.

If you’re playing baseball, the game is run by the rules.  There may be judgment calls such as balls, strikes, and outs, but overall the game has to be played by the foundation of the rules and when it’s not, it’s a disaster.

So who makes the most important rule book and what are the rules?

Ah, the most important question to conquer in considering ones soul and eternity.

The God who created everything we know of and even things around us that we are not even aware of is the rule maker.  He is in charge and nothing else is going to matter come crunch time.

Now back to the original question.  Do you think most people would want to hear that they are doing something wrong?  I have to answer with a big NO. 

It’s natural for all of us out of our pride to not want to hear that we are wrong.  So what can change that?

A heart of someone that actually cares more about what God wants rather than what they want.  It matters enough to an individual that he doesn’t just take the word of another person for granted, but wants to make sure that God is saying it.  If God is in fact saying it then that person is happy, because he now is doing one more thing correctly that matters to God.

Proverbs 1:7 –  7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Psalm 112:1 –  1 Praise the LORD. 
Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.

Psalm 1:2 – 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.  2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

I am at a point in my life that if I’m wrong, because it’s wrong against God’s Word, I want to know about it.  That didn’t come naturally.  Those who know me know I have a hard stubborn head.  I still do, except that I have tried to channel that into being correct on what God feels is right and wrong.  I want God to work through me so I can try to love others with His truths and not just come off as a self righteous uncaring individual.  We have all seen many of those around.

We need to pray that God is always revealing our shortcomings, so we can continue to get closer to Him and allow Him to help us reach others for Him.

If this read a little more butchered in the English language than normal I apologize.  I was having a hard time relaying my thoughts into sensible English.  God Bless.


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