What’s One Of The Signs Of The Last Days?

30 Apr

2 Peter 3:4 – 3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

If you’ve read much of my blog you’ll remember that I have written many times that there would be a great falling away from the true faith.  Those are believers that are doing that, not unbelievers.  This post is to point out the same issue regarding believers.

Peter is stating that scoffers will come in the last days mocking the idea that Christ is going to return.  They have a form of taunting in them.  They will say “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised?”  Peter exposes their hearts though.  He indicates it’s because they are following their own evil desires.  Once again, SELF!

Seeing any of this today?

Here is my analogy.  A huge group of people are down in a valley partying it up.  They are surrounded by high hills all around them.  The hills easily climbable but the hike will take awhile and some work.  There are those who choose to climb the hills and “wow” they see signs of things that they have only heard about coming off in the distance.  They go back to the crowd and tell them what they saw.  A few find it fascinating and head for the hills.  They go up and see even more than the previous group and come down to tell others.

This keeps happening and what they see in the distance once they get up to the top of the hill just keeps getting closer.  However, many that have made the hike have gotten older and have died.  Others that come back to tells those partying in the valley about how they are seeing even more are not finding too many that are interested in disrupting their valley party.

This story is just an analogy in regarding that people refuse to look for the signs or even take any time to learn what they may be.  It isn’t going into the consequences of a heart that doesn’t want to look for or seek the Lord.

There are two things around us in these last days that are easily seen by a mere time consuming but simple study.  One, evolution is very flawed and for brilliant minds of scientist to put their complete faith in it reveals the true definition of “blind faith.”  Second if you study what the signs are for Christ’s Second Coming, you couldn’t come to any other conclusion except that it is right at the door.

So where is the problem with believers and the missteps?

If a believer doesn’t know the Word of God they are ripe for picking by the evil one.  Satan and his demons hang out in the darkness.  Jesus wants us in the sheep pen where he can guard us.  However, many believers stubbornly refuse to stay corralled in the pen.

A majority of Christians today don’t know the difference between Light and darkness.  They don’t know the difference between Truth and a lie.  It’s because they don’t know the Word of God.

To reach others we need to know the Word.  To protect our hearts and souls we need to know the Word.  There is a war going on for man’s heart and soul.  Are you going be Switzerland and be neutral?  God doesn’t want neutral.  He wants you to choose His side.

The signs are all around us and we are nearing the time Jesus is going to take His church and the group of the scoffers is getting bigger every day.


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  1. Ron

    May 1, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    Watch this link on how Dan Savage trashed the bible in his ignorance and 100 high school students walked out. Listen to the cheers in the video and you know the venom that this scripture is refering to when it refers to the Scoffers of the last days. This video is a very sad commentary on our society, but just another confirmation of the truth of the bible. He is coming back soon! Be ready!