We All Have A Terminal Disease

07 Jul

Hebrews 9:27 – 27Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

Obviously this verse ends in a comma so there is more in the next verse, but this is the part of scripture were going to focus on here.

This thought and idea of the post is inspired by my Pastor Skip Bennett.  He brought this up in his sermon the same day I am writing this.

You find out that you have a terminal illness and you’re going to die.  How are you going to live?

The standard answer most people without God would give would be a lot like this.  I would get all my business together so my family wouldn’t inherit any unfinished headaches I left them with and then I would start at number 1 on the bucket list.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ the list would or should look a lot like this.  Get things in order so the family is taken care of.  Get your life right with Jesus.  Get your life right with anyone else around you if it’s not already.

I have got news for each and every one of you reading this post and for those who will never read it.  You’re going to die.  Even if one is raptured this body will be changed and will in essence die.

Should we live everyday like it’s our last?  If you’re not, how are you living?  If you thinking to yourself, “Hey Pat, I appreciate you saying were in the end times and all, but I don’t think we are and have a lot of other things to do instead.”

If you’re thinking that way, are you thinking God and Jesus first?  If you’re right and I’m wrong is your plan going to make it better when you finally do stand in front of the Lord?

I know that if I would have started living more like he was coming back everyday back in 1993 to the present, I would have a lot more to present to Him when I finally stand in front of Him.

You can’t go wrong living for Jesus everyday as if it is your last.

On the flip side, you can’t go right if you’re living life for yourself and leaving Him out.

The news is out.  You’re terminally ill and going to die someday.  The ball is your court now on what you want to do with that information.


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