One World Banking System – End Time Prophecy

18 Jun

For the last two weeks we have been talking about the one world currency.  Is that the same as the one world banking system?  They are very closely linked but technically no.

You could have the whole world agreeing to use coconuts only as the currency of the world and still have no banks.  However, going digital on currency allows the banks and the main financial computer systems to be all linked.

Why is this important in light of the last days?  Ah yes, let’s see the scripture that implies it again.

Revelation 13:16-17 –16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Now you got to realize that the book of Revelation is packed full of mind boggling, wowing, kinds of things.  The judgments are huge and devastating.  It says that one guy will be a dictator, and it indicates he will have the power to look over and keep an eye on the world as a whole.  There will be one economic system that everyone will use and accept and if you don’t accept the mark of this ruler, you can’t use the system.  No problem right, you’re a free creature.


You try to buy and sell and you don’t have this mark, he’ll have his followers hunt you down and have you executed.  Why?  Sorry that’s for when we talk about the Antichrist, Satan, and the Mark of the Beast in the weeks to come. 

So the one world banking system will be more than just banking, it will be part of the whole linked financial institution.  Certain countries won’t be allowed to just keep printing money as they please like one we are familiar with today.

Do politicians like this idea?  Oh yeah, very much so.  Your politicians live to create laws and tax.  If all your resources are linked to a visible system and there is no more underground, taxing and controlling will be much easier.  Fraud will be harder to pull off and easier to trace.

So let’s recap just three of the many End Time Prophecies that we have gone over so far.  Israel has to be back in their land.  There is an indication that the generation that sees them get back into their land won’t pass.   There has to be a one world banking system along with a reason of why the nations would want to go to or have to go to a one world currency.  The biggest reason is the ones who have no money at all, technically still have more than those who are in serious debt.

To see all the End Time Prophecies I have written on so far, just go over to the category “End Time Prophecies” and click on it.  It should then start from the most recent and work its way down to the oldest post on the subject.  You can do this with any category as well.

If someone had told you just 20 years ago that it would be possible for what we are seeing today in the financial world they would have laughed at you and said the world will never want it or go for it.  Cash was still king and people liked that they couldn’t be tracked, but we have been conditioned now.

Just three prophecies have been gone over so far and don’t take them lightly.  The Jews have the whole world against them and yet just a tiny nation is a burdensome stone (whoops there’s number four we already touched on) to the rest of the world.  How did they get back there and how are they still there?  God’s promise and covenant with Abraham, that’s how!  The world will come together economically and use the same system to buy and sell.  So four end time prophecies that have either have happened or only make sense that they are going to happen so far.   I will be writing on many more in the weeks to come.  God has given many of them for us to see, just in case we want to ignore a few end time prophecies as pure chance.


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