The Book of Myself

04 Aug

I’m convinced many people believe this book exists in the Bible.

A lot of people have never cracked the Bible open and believe that God believes exactly the way they do.

If I had to take a stab of how the scripture starts in this book I would guess it looks like this:

Myself 1:1 – Whatever I believe is just fine with God since He gave me freewill to choose my own path.  I have been made a certain way and however I feel about things is correct (even though I don’t think the same way in different times of my life).

Let’s continue to verse 2.

Myself 1:2 –God made me, but He could care less what I do with my life, how I act, and how I treat others.  He gave me a brain to make the decision of rather I treated people well or done things correctly.

Myself 1:3- As long as I’m sincere about my belief, no matter what it is, I’m doing well in God’s eyes, because God is too busy to care about much of anything.

I was talking to someone the other day that believed that if you are sincere that you’re good to go.  I asked that person, “So if someone blows themselves up and kills themselves along with 50 others in a terrorist act, they are good to go because they were dedicated and sincere?”

I’ll be doing another post called sincerely wrong in the future, so I won’t beat that one to death today.

(Actually that was already posted.)

Myself 1:4 – I told God once a long time ago that I loved Him and if it changed I’ll let Him know. 

That’s not even working anymore in regular marriage.  The divorce rate is around 50 percent.

Myself 1:5 – God would never send me to hell.  Look at others around me.  I’m doing pretty good based on the curve I’m using.  Deep down I’m a pretty nice person.  Sure I might have a few flaws, but who doesn’t?

We’re all majorly flawed.  No one is good.

Romans 3:23 – 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Romans 6:23 – 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Grace is a free gift and the only way to get back with God is by making His Son Jesus Lord and asking for forgiveness.  There is a penalty to pay.  Now either you choose Jesus’ death to cover yours, or you pay the price after you die.

I invite you to go over to the right upper column of the blog page and click on “How To Accept Jesus As Savior”, if you have not done so in your life already.

You don’t have to be a great athlete to accomplish this feat.  You don’t have to be rich.  This is something every living human being can do. 

Don’t get hung up on what happens to those who haven’t heard and have died.  The Judge of the whole universe will make the right decision in those cases.  That same Judge says if you do know, you need to accept the pardon.

God doesn’t believe the way fallen man does.  I don’t think that’s really that hard to grasp.  So He does think a certain way.  He wants you to think that way.  That way is in His Word and love letter to you.

It’s called the Bible and the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, is a great place to start.


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