Loving and Just

06 Sep

I was listening to John Hagee while driving in my car at lunch.

He was talking about how when the Egyptians were chasing after the Israelites across the Red Sea.  I think most people at one point when they either read that or see it on television, think to themselves, wow God just allowed a lot of water to come down and drowned a lot of people.

How do you feel about that?

I can tell you that I have never questioned God about what He does, because as you continue to study the Bible and get to know Him, you later understand why more and more every day.

I was reminded about a group of people that were also drowned it that same river.  It was a bunch of Jewish male babies, because the Egyptians were worried that they were getting too numerous and powerful.  So they rounded up all the male Jewish babies and drowned them, except Moses.

How would you feel if they grabbed your baby boy and drowned him?

Who would be your guess that gathered up these children and then drowned them?  The maids?  The farmers?  The bakers?  No.  I am guessing here, but I’m going to say the soldiers.

We serve a Loving God.  In fact we can’t comprehend how loving He is.  His grace is sufficient to save us by the blood of His Son on that cross.  As Americans, we got that part.  That part is the only part most churches have been preaching for a few decades to over a half century now.

We serve a Just God.  In fact we can’t comprehend how Just He is.  He tells us that He wants relationship with us.  He explains that He wants to be worshipped and is a Jealous God.  He tells us to sin no more.  He tells us to turn to Him.  The Bible is full of His warnings to those who are not going to seek Him. 

The Book of Revelation is God’s greatest wrath and it’s coming.  It’s for mankind that has rejected Him and also has set their face against his people He has a promise with Israel.

Revelation 6:16-17 – 16They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”

His mercy and grace are beyond comprehension.  Don’t toy with it.  Don’t take it for granted.  And most important, God didn’t supply Grace so we could discover it and live like hell until it’s time to be with Him.  He supplied it so we could be forgiven and turn from our wicked ways and forever be with Him starting immediately. 

If you’re living your own game of beat the clock and your worried about what you have to do for yourself before you check out, you’re not living for God.  Today is the day we start living for Him and not for us.


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